Call Center Helpline Responder – Part-time

General Summary and Objectives:

Each day Options United offers assistance to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. A helpline responder is the first line of response to a woman in need. Through the helpline, call responders assist callers and then refer them to a local pregnancy resource center or clinic.

Call Center Helpline Responder Job Duties:

  • Answer calls professionally and immediately
  • Enter data from calls during or immediately after the call
  • Support calls to existing clients
  • Work from a private and quiet setting (home office) to conduct professional call service
  • A minimum of two 4-5 hour shifts per week, with one paid 15-minute break during shift duration
  • A set schedule for a 3-month period
  • A minimum commitment of 1 year
  • Attendance at the quarterly in-person trainings
  • Respond to emails/texts with Options United staff in a timely manner and positing an update at the end of each shift

Call Center Skills and Qualifications:

  • Familiarity with the mission of Options United and how crisis calls are handled
  • Familiarity with pregnancy centers and resources available to callers
  • Strong work ethics and punctuality
  • Excellent listening skills
  • Professional verbal and written communication
  • Computer and data entry skills
  • Multi-tasking
  • Strong passion to serve in the pro-life movement
  • Spanish speaking is a plus

Click to Apply

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First Name*

Last Name*



Best Time To Be Contacted (PST)*














List any prior experience in working/volunteering in the Pro-life movement*

Current Employment*


How did you hear about Options United/Who referred you?

Why do you want to work or volunteer for Options United?*


Have you worked at Options United before?




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