Midwest March for Life
Jefferson City, Missouri –
Midwest March For Life Saturday February 2, 2019- Jefferson City Missouri – 7:45am – 3pm Exhibit Hall open with Life affirming booths and vendors at St Peter, 216 Broadway St All events begin and end at St Peter Church sidewalk – 9:30am Pre/rally speakers AND 10:00am March begins to Governor Mansion and to Capitol – 10:45am Rally at Missouri State Capitol with Kristan Hawkins, Founder and President of Students for Life of America (across the street from St Peter’s) March about 3/4 mile around Capitol and surrounding streets
12:00 Lunch at St Peter’s Expo Hall (nominal fee) – 1:00pm “Joining the Prolife Generation” (student seminar presented by Kristan Hawkins) RSVP to 573 340 8444 No fee 6th grade to college students – 3:00pm Mass for LIfe at St Peter’s Church