Jericho March for Life

Jericho March for LifeSt Louis, Missouri –

For those who are not familiar with the purpose of a Jericho walk.  It is a peaceful strategy adopted by pro-lifers to reflect the Old Testament story.  According to the biblical account, the Israelites were able to defeat the city of Jericho after marching around the city walls once a day for six days; on the seventh day they encircled the city seven times – We hope to be a peaceful and prayerful reminder to everyone that abortions are painful for everyone involved, that they are dangerous and we are here to offer women safe and healing alternatives.  In this day and age, here in America the murder of a baby and the maiming of a woman should never be an option.  Our goal is to prayerfully, peacefully, through effective sidewalk counseling rescue those babies from death.  

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