Stephanie* a mom of four found out she was pregnant again. At the time of her discovering she was pregnant her oldest was 10 and her youngest only 8 months. She was already feeling overwhelmed and was not planning on having any more children.
She loved each and every one of her children but she wasn’t sure if there was room for one more. How can she possibly take care of a newborn just as her youngest would be growing into their terrible twos? She had the typical mom guilt of not showing her other children who were 3 and 4 enough attention. Now, with another on the way it just didn’t seem plausible or even responsible to continue with her pregnancy.
She simply didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, she found our number and dialed into the Options United helpline. Her fears where soon eased as she quickly came to realize the joy that each of her children brought to her life. It’s not easy being a mother of four and it won’t be easy being a mother of five but it is definitely worth it.
After she hung up, she went right to the nearest grocery store and grabbed some prenatal vitamins. She wanted to ensure that she would give this baby the best possible chance at life!
During one of the follow up conversations with Stephanie* she was anxiously awaiting her 20 week ultrasound appointment. She couldn’t wait to find out if she would be adding a boy or girl to the family.
Stephanie’s* story is not unique. Many women who are already mothers seek abortions in fear that they will take away from their current children. But having an abortion will only result in more being taken away. Your daughter will never meet their baby brother or sister. Your family will never be able to bond with this child.
Every life is valuable and should be cherished.
We are so happy for Stephanie* and her family. She’s an amazing mother already and will continue being amazing with her new addition!