The Spark of Divinity and Nancy Pelosi

Thomas RudkinsNews

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi had strong words for the President.  President Trump referred to members of an El Salvador gang as “animals” based on their brutal acts.  Most media outlets and Democrats took the comment out of context and accused the president of de-humanizing illegal immigrants.

Pelosi said it is shameful, to paraphrase the press conference, for the leader of a great country to mistreat and denigrate an entire class of human beings. Human are precious and of great value and made in the image of God.  No one should be called an animal for they have a “spark of divinity” in them.

Of course, the question pro-lifers have is: do we extend that same “spark of divinity” defense to those who are not yet born?  The Democrat Platform takes a very strong position in favor of tax payer funded abortion at all levels and any stage of pregnancy: We will continue to oppose—seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.

Here is the full article